Dexter is equally invested in our agents as we are our clients. Unlike other brokerages, we share a financial stake with our agents to ensure client success is always paired with quality. Wherever you are in your journey, Dexter is here to help.
Celebrating his 32nd year at the REBGV, Larry’s volunteered at the Board and held positions as VP Commercial Division, Chair-Elect of the BC Commercial Council. Larry has sat for 2 terms on The Professional Conduct Committee where he helped ensure all agents act with the highest ethical standards. With years of service and being a top producer, he has a good working relationship with over 400 commercial agents in the GVRD and is well known to his peers as someone who can get the job done. Larry sat for 2 terms on the Vancouver Council appointed Gastown Historical Area Planning Committee where the duties involved new development taking place in Gastown and now a commissioner for the Richmond Heritage Committee.